You cannot cut a good figure in the exam if you do not utilize time properly. (make it compound)
A Don’t utilize time properly and you cannot cut a good figure in the exam.
B Don’t utilize time properly but you cannot cut a good figure in the exam.
C Utilize time properly or you cannot cut a good a figure in the exam.
D You cannot cut a good figure in the exam without utilizing time properly.
Correct Answer: Option C
If যুক্ত Sentence কে Compound করতে হলে, প্রথমে If যুক্ত Clause কে Imperative Sentence এর Structure এ বসাতে হবে।
If clause – Affirmative হলে মাঝখানে and আর If clause – negative হলে মাঝখানে or বসবে।
তারপরে অন্য Clause টি যেভাবে আছে সেভাবে বসবে।