Which of the following modal auxiliary verbs does NOT change its form in passive voice transformation?

A Can

B  Will

C Shall

D Must


Correct Answer: Option D

- Can, will, এবং shall এই তিনটি modal auxiliary verb passive voice-এ পরিবর্তিত হওয়ার সময় তাদের form পরিবর্তন করে।
Can -> can be
Will -> will be
Shall -> shall be

Active: He can do the work.
Passive: The work can be done by him.

Active: She will finish the project.
Passive: The project will be finished by her.

Active: We shall complete the task.
Passive: The task shall be completed by us.

- কিন্তু 'must' হল একমাত্র modal auxiliary verb যা passive voice-এ পরিবর্তিত হওয়ার সময় তার form পরিবর্তন করে না। Must -> must (remains the same)
Active: You must submit the report.
Passive: The report must be submitted (by you).

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