`All the glitters is not gold.' is a-

A simple sentence

B complex sentence

C compound sentence

D compound-complex sentence


Correct Answer: Option B

- Complex sentence গঠিত হয় Principal clause এবং এক বা একাধিক Sub-ordinate clause এর সমন্বয়ে।
- "All that glitters is not gold" একটি complex sentence কারণ এতে একটি principal clause এবং একটি subordinate clause আছে।
- আলোচ্য বাক্যে ‘that glitters’ হলো Sub-ordinate clause।

Complex sentence গঠনের আরও কিছু উদাহরণ:
- After I finished my homework, I watched a movie.
- Although I studied hard, I didn't get a good grade on the test.

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