কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?

A Efflorancence

B Efflorescence

C Effloresence

D Eflorenscence


Correct Answer: Option B

Efflorescence- পুস্পায়ন
এই শব্দটি তিনটি ক্ষেত্রে ব্যাবহার হতে পারেঃ
1.  chemistry: The formation of a powdery surface on crystals, as a hydrate is converted to anhydrous form by losing loosely bound water of crystallization to the atmosphere.
2.  botany:  The production of flowers.
3.  construction:  An encrustation of soluble salts, commonly white, deposited on the surface of stone, brick, plaster, or mortar; usually caused by free alkalies leached from mortar or adjacent concrete as moisture moves through it.

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