Very few workers were as hard-working as Yank. (make it superlative)

A No other worker was the most hard-working like Yank.

B Yank was one of the most hard-working worker.

C Yank was the most hard-working worker.

D Yank was one of the most hard-working workers.


Correct Answer: Option D

Positive কে Superlative করতে হলে, Subject (যাকে তুলনা করা হয়) Object (যার সাথে তুলনা করা হয়) হয় এবং Object - Subject হয়। তাই এখানে Yank- Subject হয়ে বসবে।
Positive Degree যুক্ত বাক্যে Very few থাকলে one of the + superlative degree হয়।

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