Which one is the fifth EPZ in Bangladesh? 

A    Comilla

B    Ishwardi

C    Mongla

D    Uttora


Correct Answer: Option A


There are eight epzs in Bangladesh. Below is the list of export processing zones run by BEPZA:

Adamjee Export Processing Zone, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

Chittagong Export Processing Zone, South Halishahar, Chittagong

Comilla Export Processing Zone, Comilla

Dhaka Export Processing Zone, Savar, Dhaka

Ishwardi Export Processing Zone, Ishwardi, Pabna

Karnaphuli Export Processing Zone, North Patenga, Chittagong

Mongla Export Processing Zone, Mongla, Bagerhat

Uttara Export Processing Zone, Nilphamari

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