Which of the following is a Noun Phrase?

A She runs fast.

B The tall building.

C He is very talented.

D They went to the park.


Correct Answer: Option B

"The tall building" হল Noun Phrase কারণ:
- এর মূল অংশ হল noun (building)
- এর গঠন: Article (The) + Adjective (tall) + Noun (building)
- পুরো phrase টি একটি বস্তু/জিনিস বোঝাচ্ছে

অন্য options কেন সঠিক নয়:
- "She runs fast" - Subject + Verb + Adverb
- "He is very talented" - Subject + Verb + Adjective Phrase
- "They went to the park" - Subject + Verb + Prepositional Phrase

সহজ উদাহরণ:
আরও কিছু Noun Phrase:

A red car (একটি লাল গাড়ি)
The young boy (ছোট ছেলেটি)
My new book (আমার নতুন বই)

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