The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.


A The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.

B The patient was advised by the doctor that he should not eat rice.

C The patient was being advised by the doctor that he should not rice by the doctor.

D The patient has been advised not to eat rice by the doctor.


Correct Answer: Option A

বাক্যটি past indefinite tense এ আছে ।সুতরাং voice change ও past indefinite tense এ হবে  ।
এখানে object হচ্ছে the patient ।এটি subject হয়ে যাবে । past indefinite এ আছে বিধায় auxiliary verb was হবে + advised +by+sub হয়ে যাবে obj + বাকি অংশ ।
  The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.

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