Voice (124 টি প্রশ্ন )

active voice এর verb টি group verb হলে তার সাথে সংযুক্ত preposition টি passive voice এ সর্বদাই past participle এর সাথে বসে ।


For Past Continuous Tense, the rule is to use 'was/were + being + past participle'



For Present Indefinite Tense, the rule for passive form is

Object+ am/is/are + past participle + by + subject

Here Object is idle people which is plural.

So the answer will be,

Idle people are not liked by us.

If you are confused by the neg


This is an exception. We will use known to, annoyed with, surprised at, contained in  etc.


This is in passive form.  We can exchange the subject and object for easiness. Here, subject is A Lion and Object is even a little mouse.

Lets write like this,

He may be helped even by me.

Even I may help him.

Even a little mouse may help a lion.



This is an Imperative sentence.

For Imperative sentence,

The passive form comes in -- Let + object + be + past participle.

So the Passive will be,

Let the window be opened.  

Present indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + am/is/are + verb এর past participle form + by + subject এর object.


Object, Subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে, tense অনুযায়ী passive voice করা হয়েছে।

Who যুক্ত interrogative sentence এর passive করার নিয়ম হল ঃ
 By whom + aux. verb + Sub + V3 + বাকি অংশ 

বাক্যটি past indefinite tense এ আছে । তাই voice change  ও past indefinite a হবে। object হয়ে যাবে subject. এখানে object, him এটি subject হয়ে He হবে +auxiliary verb+verb এর past participle form +by+subject হয়ে যাবে object.   He was seen to go by me

বাক্যটি আছে future tense .
-object হয়ে যাবে sub +will no be+verb এর past form +sub হয়ে যাবে object .

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