What is the correct indirect form of given direct speech? ‘How long will you carry me?’ He said to me.

A    He asked me how long he will carry me

B    He asked me how long he would carry me

C    He asked me how long would he carry me

D    He asked me how long he should carry me


Correct Answer: Option B


Interrogative sentence এর Reported speech যদি Interrogative Pronoun (Who, Whom, Whose, What, Which ইত্যাদি) বা Interrogative Adverb (Why, How, Where ইত্যাদি) দ্বারা শুরু হয়, তবে if/whether বসে না, ঐ word টিই বসে। এক্ষেত্রেও sentence টির Assertive form বসে।

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