The teacher________the students has come to meet the acting principal.


A With

B as soon as

C as well as

D and


Correct Answer: Option C


"The teacher, as well as the students, has come to meet the acting principal."

  • "as well as" হলো একটি conjunction, যা primary subject (The teacher) এবং secondary subject (the students) কে connect করে।
  • এখানে main subject হলো "The teacher", যা singular, তাই verb "has come" হবে singular form-এ।
  • যদি "and" ব্যবহার করা হতো, তাহলে "The teacher and the students" একসঙ্গে plural subject হয়ে যেতো, এবং verb "have come" হতে হতো।

তাই সঠিক উত্তর C) as well as কারণ এটা singular subject agreement মেনে চলে।

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