৭ এর গুণিতকের সেট কোন ধরনের সেট?  

A    সসীম সেট

B    ফাঁকা সেট

C    সার্বিক সেট

D    অসীম সেট


Correct Answer: Option D

The sets which have a fix number of elements in it are termed as finite sets, on the other hand, the sets having unlimited elements in it are known as infinite sets.

Lets take an example-

Finite Set : { x : x is even and 10 > x > 0 } or { 2, 4, 6, 8}.

Infinite Set : { x : x is odd and x > 0 } or {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ………}

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