x2 - 3x - 10 > 0 অসমতাটির সমাধান করুনঃ

A    (-∞, -1) υ (4, +∞)

B    (-∞, -2) υ (5, +∞)

C    (∞, 2) υ (5, +∞)

D    (∞, 2) υ (-5, -∞)


Correct Answer: Option B


x2 - 3x – 10>0 x2-5x+2x-10>0 x(x-5)+2(x-5) >0 (x-5)(x+2)>0 so,x=5 or,x=-2 | so, (∞, -2) υ (5, +∞)

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