x2 + x – (a + 1)(a + 2) এর উৎপাদকে বিশ্লেষন হবে-

A (x – a + 2)(x – a – 1)

B (x – a – 1)(x + a + 2)

C (x – a + 1)(x + a + 2)

D (x – a + 1)(x + a – 2)


Correct Answer: Option B

x²+x-(a + 1) (a + 2)
= x²+x-(a + 1) (a + 1 + 1)
= x² + x-p(p+1) [ধরি (a+1)=p]
= x² + x-p²-p
=(x-p) (x+p)+(x-p)
= {x-(a+1)} {x+(a+1)+1}
=(x-a-1) (x +a+2)

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